The Charge of Corruption of the Scriptures - Part One
The Charge of Corruption of the Scriptures1 - Introduction
[1] This is an English translation of an article from “The True Meaning of the Gospel of Christ,” 2nd edition,
published in Arabic. Copyright ©2016 Al Kalima. This article is covered by the following Creative
Commons License:
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). The full license can be
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[2] Ajak, Bassam Daoud, Muslim Christian Dialogue: Principles, History, Subjects, and Goals. Qutayba
Publishing House (location unknown), 1998, p.338.
“Corruption” as understood by the commentators on the Holy Quran
The first verse: “So can you [believers] hope that such people will believe you, when some of them used to hear the words of God and then deliberately twist them, even when they understood them?”3
Surat al-Baqara, verse 75.
See: Al Tubrusi, Abu Ali al Fadl bin al-Hasan, Majma’ al-Bayan fi Tafsir al-Qur’an (Collection of
Explanations in Interpreting the Qur’an), Maktabat al-Hayat Publishing House, New corrected edition,
Beirut, Lebanon, First section, pages 316 and 318, see also Al Tabari, Jami’ al-Bayan fi Ta’wil al-Qur’an
(The Collector of Explanations in Interpreting the Qur’an), edited by Ahmad and Mahmoud Shakir, AlRisaala Foundation, 1420 A.H. / 2000 A.D., part 2, pp. 245-256, accounts 1328-1332.
[5] Al Tousi, Abu Jaafar Muhammad bin al Hasan, Al-Tibyan fi Tafsir al-Qur’an (Exposition of the
Interpretation of the Qur’an), edited and corrected by Ahmad Habeeb Qaseer al Amali, Ihya’ Turath al
Arabi Publishing House, first printing, Beirut, Lebanon, first volume, pp. 312 and 314. Ibn Katheer says
about this verse: “ ‘some of them who used to hear the words of God and then deliberately twist them’
which means: interpreting it incorrectly ‘even when they understood it’ which means: they understood it
clearly and yet they violated it with full understanding. They are in error in what they say when they
corrupt and interpret the text. This position is like God’s saying: “But they broke their pledge, so We
distanced them [from Us] and hardened their hearts. They distort the meaning of [revealed] words” [AlMai’da 13]. See Ibn Katheer, Abu Fida al Qarshi, Tafsir al-Qur’an al-Azim (Interpretation of the Mighty
Qur’an), revised by Sami bin Muhammad Salama, Tiba Publishing and Distribution, 1420 A.H. / 1999
A.D., part one, p. 307.
See Mughnieh, Muhammad Jawad, Al-Tafsir al-Kashif (The Revealing Commentary), Al-Jawad
Publishing House, 3rd Printing, Beirut, Lebanon, 1981, Part 1, pp. 131-132.
See Al Brousawi, Ismail Haqqi, Tafsir Rouh al-Bayan (Spirit of Clarification Commentary), Ihya’ Turath
al Arabi Publishing House, 7th Printing, Beirut, Lebanon, 1985, Volume 1, pp. 166-167; among that which
is traditional in books of commentary on this verse: “Saddi said: ‘Even when they understood it’, in other
words they sinned. Ibn Wahb said: Ibn Zayd said in his words: ‘some of them used to hear the words of
God and then deliberately twist them’ He said: The Torah which God sent down to them, they corrupt,
making that which was permitted in it forbidden, and the forbidden permitted, and the truth in it falsehood,
and the falsehood in it truth; If someone in the right brings a bribe, they take out the Book of God for him,
and if some liar brings a bribe that also take out that book for him; for in it he is in the right, and if someone
comes asking them something with no truth to it, or bribe, or anything, they will command him what is
correct, for God said to them: “How can you tell people to do what is right and forget to do it yourselves,
even though you recite the Scripture? Have you no sense?” (Al-Baqara 2:44). See Ibn Katheer, Volume 1,
p.308. It is clear that which is ascribed to the Jews here is related to their understanding and interpretation
of the Scripture and not related to the words of the Scripture, because the assertion of their being
established is clear.
[8] Refer to Al-Katkani, As-Sayyid Hashim bin As-Sayyid Sulaiman bin Sayyid Isma’il bin Sayyid ‘Abd alJawwad Al-Husayni Al-Bahrani al-Tubali, Al-Burhan fi Tafsir al-Qur’an (Proof in the Interpretation of the
Qur’an), Tehran Dehr, Jabkhana Aftab, adjusted printing, Volume 1, p.115.
See Shirazi, Nasir Makarim, Al-Amthal fi Tafsir Kitab Allah al-Munzal (The Model of Interpretation of
God’s Revealed Book), Ba’atha Foundation for Printing, Publishing and Distribution, 1st Printing, Beirut,
Lebanon, 1992, Volume 1, pp. 238-240.
The second verse: “But they broke their pledge, so We distanced them[from Us] and hardened their hearts. They distort the meaning of [revealed] words and have forgotten some of what they were told to remember: you [Prophet] will always find treachery in all but a few of them. Overlook this and pardon them: God loves those who do good.”10
[10] Surah al-Ma’ida 5:13
[11] Al-Alusi, Abu al-Fadl Shihab al-Din As-Sayyid Mahmoud, Rouh al-Ma’ani fi Tafsir al-Qur’an al-Azim
wa as-Saba’ al-Mathani (The Spirit of Meanings in the Interpretation of the Mighty Qur’an and The Seven
Oft-Recited Verses), Ihya’ Turath al Arabi Publishing House, 4th Printing, Beirut, Lebanon, 1985, Part 6,
pp. 89-90.
[12] See Zamakhshari, Jad Allah Mahmoud bin ‘Umar, Al-Kashshaf ‘an Haqa’iq Ghawamid al-Tanzil wa
‘Uyun al-Aqawil fi Wujuh al-Ta’wil (The Revealer of Truths of Unclear Scripture Sent Down and Selected
Sayings About the Senses of Interpretation), Part 1, pp. 614-616; Al-Shirazi, Nasir Makarim, ibid, Volume
3, pp. 569-572.
[13] Al-Fayd Al-Kashani, Al-Mawla Muhsin, Tafsir al-Safi, Al-A’lami Foundation for Publications, 2nd
Printing, Beirut, Lebanon, 1982, Part 2, p.21.
[14] Al-Qur’an al-Karim with the Interpretation of Jalalayn in the Margin, Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din Publishing
House, Damascus, Syria, p.144.
The third verse: “Messenger, do not be grieved by those who rush into disbelief—those who say with their mouths, ‘We believe,’ but have no faith in their hearts and the Jews who listen eagerly to lies and to those who have not even met you, who distort the meanings of [revealed] words and say [to each other], ‘If you are given this ruling, accept it, but if you are not, then beware!’ –if God intends some people to be so misguided, you will be powerless against God on their behalf. These are the ones whose hearts God does not intend to cleanse—a disgrace for them in this world, and then a heavy punishment in the Hereafter”15
[15] Surah Al-Maida 5:41.
[16] According to Alusi, Abu al-Fadl Shihab al-Din As-Sayyid Mahmoud, Rouh al-Ma’ani fi Tafsir alQur’an al-Azim wa as-Saba’ al-Mathani (The Spirit of Meanings in the Interpretation of the Mighty Qur’an
and The Seven Oft-Recited Verses), Ihya’ Turath al Arabi Publishing House, 4th Printing, Beirut, Lebanon,
1985, Part 6, pp. 135, 140. See also Al-Fayd Al-Kashani, Al-Mawla Muhsin, Tafsir al-Safi, Al-A’lami
Foundation for Publications, 2nd Printing, Beirut, Lebanon, 1982, Part 2, pp. 35, 37.
[17] Al-Qur’an al-Karim with the Interpretation of Jalalayn in the Margin, Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din Publishing
House, Damascus, Syria, pp. 149, 150.
The fourth verse: “Some Jews distort the meaning of [revealed] words: they say, ‘We hear and disobey,’ and ‘Listen,’ [adding the insult] ‘May you not hear,’ and ‘Ra’ina’ [Look at us],’ twisting it abusively with their tongues so as to disparage religion. If they had said, ‘We hear and obey,’ ‘Listen,’ and ‘Unzurna [Look at us],’ that would have been better and more proper for them. But God has spurned them for their defiance; they believe very little.”18
[18] Surah An-Nisa 4:46.
[19] Qutb, Sayyid, In the Shade of the Qur’an, Dar al-Shuruq, 7th Legal Printing, Cairo, Egypt, 1978 AD, 5th
Volume, pp. 675, 676; and it seems that what is found in Al-Jami’ of Al-Tabari strongly indicates that the
matter of corruption is connected with meanings and not words, as Al-Tabari says: “But as for the
interpretation of his words: “they distort the meaning of words” he says: They change its meaning and
change it from its correct interpretation.” See Al-Tabari, Jami’ al-Bayan, part 4, p.436. Also refer to AlQurtubi, Abi Abdallah Mahmoud bin Ahmad al-Ansari, Al-Jami’ Li-Ahkam al-Qur’an, Ihya’ al-Turath al-
‘Arabi Publishing House, Beirut, Lebanon, 1965 AD, part 5, pp. 242, 244, and also Committee of Scholars
overseen by the Al-Azhar Commission for Islamic Research, Al-Tafsir al-Waseet lil-Qur’an al-Karim, The
General Organization for Fiscal Presses, First Printing, Cairo, Egypt, 1973 AD, Printing of 1994, Part 5, pp.
822, 823.
[20] Qutb, Sayyid, idem.
The fifth verse: “So woe to those who write something down with their own hands and then claim, ‘This is from God,’ in order to make some small gain. Woe to them for what their hands have written! Woe to them for all that they have earned!”21
[21] Surah al-Baqara 2:79
[22] Al-Tousi, Abu Jaafar Muhammad bin al Hasan, Al-Tibyan fi Tafsir al-Qur’an (Exposition of the
Interpretation of the Qur’an), idem.
[23] Al-Tabrasi, Abu Ali al Fadl bin al-Hasan, Majma’ al-Bayan fi Tafsir al-Qur’an (Collection of
Explanations in Interpreting the Qur’an), idem, part 1, pp. 325, 328. Ibn Katheer speaks about this, showing
the difference between what the Jews says and what is found with them: “The Almighty says about the
Jews…that they buy going astray with guidance, and reject that which God has revealed to his Prophet
(SAW), leaving the knowledge they have from the ancient prophets describing Muhammad (SAW) to buy
with a small price the wreckage of this world “And they want to go astray” (that is, they want to disbelieve
in what was sent to them, believers, and you leave the guidance and useful knowledge you have).” Ibn
Katheer, Tafsir al-Qur’an al-Adheem, Part 2, p.323.
[24] Mughnieh, Muhammad Jawad, Al-Tafsir al-Kashif (The Revealing Commentary), Al-Jawad Publishing
House, 3rd Printing, Beirut, Lebanon, 1981 AD, Part 1, pp. 133, 135.
[25] Al Brousawi, Ismail Haqqi, Tafsir Rouh al-Bayan (Spirit of Clarification Commentary), idem, Part 1, pp.
167, 169.
[26] Al-Katkani, Al-Burhan fi Tafsir al-Qur’an, idem, Part 1, pp. 118, 119.
The sixth verse: “There are some of them who twist the Scripture with their tongues to make you [people] think that what they say is part of the Scripture when it is not; they say it is from God when it is not; they attribute lies to God and they know it.”27
[27] Surah Al Imran 3:78.
[28] Al-Qurtubi, Al-Jami’ Li-Ahkam al-Qur’an, idem, Volume 4, p.121; Al-Tabari says: “Abu Ja’afar says:
The Greatly Praised One means by this: The People of the Book, who are the Jews who were around the
city of the Prophet of God (SAW) at his time, from the Sons of Israel…”twist” means corrupting “their
tongues with the Scripture so you will consider it to be Scripture” which means: So you will think that
those who corrupt it with their words from the Book of God and what he has sent down. God, Great and
Glorious, says: “What is this that they twist with their tongues and so corrupt it and insert it into the book
of God. They claim that the corruption and lies and falsehood that they twist with their tongues and join to
the Book of God is “from God.” He says: That which God sent down to his prophets “but it is not from
God”. He says: That which they twist with their tongues and originate, that which God sent down to one of
his prophets, but it is something they originated from themselves, slandering God. God, Great and
Glorious, says: “They speak lies about God and they know it” by which he means they intentionally speak
lies about God, testifying falsely about him, joining to the Book of God that which is not in it, seeking
domination and that which is base of the wreckage of this world.” Al-Tabari, Jami’ al-Bayan, Part 6, pp.
[29] Committee of Scholars overseen by the Al-Azhar Commission for Islamic Research, Al-Tafsir al-Waseet
lil-Qur’an al-Karim, idem, Part 3, pp. 603, 604.
[30] Qutb, Sayyid, In the Shade of the Qur’an, idem, Volume 1, pp. 418, 419.
[31] Rida, Muhammad Rashid, Tafsir al-Manar, Volume 3, pp. 344, 345.
Continued…. Click below to continue to Part Two 👇